Friday, May 30, 2008

The Sixty One

I've recently been turned onto a very cool website.  It is a music/social site called The Sixty One
It works kind of like a game, where the listeners earn points by trying to pick the songs that they think will be popular.  You pick these songs by 'bumping' them.  But the catch is that you have to spend points to bump a song - and the earlier in a song's life cycle the more points it costs to bump, but also the more points you earn should it become a popular song.

The site sports a wide variety and quality of music.  I have heard everything from classical to metal, from ambient to dance.  And you can pick the styles that suit you most, although I like to dabble in a bit of all of it.  So check it out when you get a chance, if you like experiencing new music that is.

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