Friday, July 6, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day

"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be
quietly led."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

For those unfamiliar with Poe, he was politically aligned with Socrates in that he was not a big fan of democracy. He, like Socrates before
him, thought that democracy was akin to mob rule. While I in general
share this belief, I also realize that democracy IS the best form of
government yet to be devised. However, I think it is time for a major revision for, as most know, we don't live in a democracy, but a republic. A
republic in which the representatives are from the financial elite and
no one from outside the financial elite can gain access. This is
morally unjustifiable and I think it is crying out for a change.

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