Monday, December 15, 2008

UML Modeler for More

At the prompting of a co-worker I went looking for a UML modeler that could generate Perl code.  I had been using StarUML, but I thought I would give it a shot.  So, I came across this little number:

I haven't used this yet, but I plan to see how it handles PHP.  Let me know if you have any experience with this piece of software.

Friday, December 12, 2008

George Lucas Needs a Padawan....

Yes, I'm a Star Wars geek. It is a fairly recent obsession honestly. And it was prompted as much by the EU (that's Extended Universe, for the Geekly-impaired) novels as the movies themselves. I read "Darth Bane: Path of Destruction" and it hooked me. But what sucks is the fact the Lucas vows that he will make no more live action SW movies. But the Darth Bane novels are screaming to be made. I think they would make great screenplays.

So, I understand that George is getting up there in years and he doesn't want to cheapen the SW legacy by making movies that might not be received well. But my idea is this: George Lucas should take on a padawan! He needs to find a young director who is a huge Star Wars fan and wants to study the Lucas way. Lucas can train this director to take over for him upon his passing. I think this is a great idea and I think that I'm going to put a petition online for it.

Tell me what you think!

Poe Was Right...

or so it would seem. An article in The New Scientists

Would seem to support Poe's theory that the universe continually recycles itself, "At every beat of the heart divine". Poe reached this conclusion in his treatise "Eureka" in 1848. It was way ahead of its time but now it seems as if his view has some high profile adherents.

Poe's Full-text "Eureka" is here:

The Mind of Poe indeed!

On the Universal agglomeration and dissolution, we can readily conceive that a new and perhaps totally different series of conditions may ensue -- another creation and irradiation, returning into itself -- another action and reaction of the Divine Will. Guiding our imaginations by that omniprevalent law of laws, the law of periodicity, are we not, indeed, more than justified in entertaining a belief -- let us say, rather, in indulging a hope -- that the processes we have here ventured to contemplate will be renewed forever, and forever, and forever; a novel Universe swelling into existence, and then subsiding into nothingness, at every throb of the Heart Divine?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Super Ants to Take Over Europe

Here is an interesting article about a species of ant, L. neglecticus,  I think it is called, that is threatening to invade Europe.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


life is good. It is good to you. Those close to you .... care. Those far from you.... well.... do they matter? Maybe....

Is Obama the AntiChrist? That's a question that should get me a Google look or two....

I say.... .Who gives a shit!

I know that sounds harsh.... but I've been looking for something of the sort for many a year, and at this point, I think maybe an antichrist is just what this fucking world needs.

Now, ..... I don't see 'Antichrist' as many/most of you probably understand the term.

More later.... perhaps when I'm sober......


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life, a crazy parade....

Life is crazy. It gets way to busy sometimes to really enjoy the passage of time. You see those roses on the side of the road but you must get to work. You see the chocolate laid out there on teh table but your break is over. You want one more hug or kiss from your child but it's time for school. Time marches on. You sit and watch as it flies by.

I'm taking an online class towards getting a master's degree in software engineering, but it is kicking my ass. I'm not sure anymore about anything. What am I doing? What am I supposed to be doing? I'm just not sure anymore.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Going back to school??

Well, I was to begin teaching a class at Pitt Community College starting next Thursday, but I found out a few hours ago that it didn't make the required enrollment minimum, so it has been canceled.  Kind of sucks, but I guess it will give me the opportunity to try and get back into school and work towards a master's degree in Software Engineering.  That would be nice because I could then possibly get a job full time teaching at the community college level.

So, the first couple of days next week will be devoted to finding out what I need to do to execute such a plan.

Monday, August 4, 2008

So Close?

I don't understand how the polls have Obama and McCain running so closely... It seems that Obama should be far ahead, yet here it is, a virtual dead heat. I'm thinking/hoping that the polls are not taking into account the vast numbers of young people that I believe Obama has brought to the table. If the young voters actual get out and go to the polls this time, it could be a different story altogether.

So, I hope that this election shows us for once, that young people care enough to actually get the hell out and vote!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Looking Ahead...

Sometimes you just look at your life and wonder if you are headed in the right direction.  Sometimes you  think you should take another path.  That is where I am right now.  I stare at this code and my eyes seem to cross.  Why am I doing this?  Is this all there is to be of my life?  No creativity, no passion?  Just and endless stream of logical expressions, signifying nothing. 

So choices need to be made.  New paths have to taken or not.  It both scares and excites me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Alanis Morissette - Flavors of Entanglement

Alanis release her first new studio work in four years today. I am listening to it right now. Here is the play by play, after two listens... more to come:

1) Citizen of the Planet
starts a little subdued but then chorus just kicks you between the eyes
Wow, this really kicks. Love it.
Love the strings in the breakdown. They meld perfectly with the crunchy riff.

2) Underneath
Poppy but good lyric... I like it. Not as good as the first track.

3) Strait Jacket
This one might have to grow on me. Doesn't grab me immediately.

4) Versions of Violence
Darker song. Danc-like groove, but with dark undertones. Pretty Cool. 4 *

5) No as We

6) In Praise of the Vulnerable Man
Nice cool groove here. Although it is poppy, there is something very sad about the song.

7) Moratorium
Title track here... in the way she creates title tracks... the title appears within this song.
dark dance groove.

8) Torch
such a sad and beautiful song... makes one want to cry... what else can I say...

9) Giggling Again for no Reason
something about this haunts me.. kind of like Stings... So Happy that I can't stop crying...
don't know why...
or the Motels Last Summer

10) Tapes
I'm too exhausting to be loved... wow, moody, wonderful... blessed...

11) Incomplete
Little acoustic song, another about the breakup... But not completely acoustic... A little bit of power in the chorus

12) Orchid -
13) The Guy Who Leaves -
14) Madness - Probably the most somber tune in the collection
15) Limbo No More - talking about being ready to be moving on... and how hard it is
16) On the Tequila - Fun little song about, you guessed it - drinking tequila

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Grad School p.2

So apparently I can basically take the GRE anytime because there is a center here where I can take it on computer just about any day of the week. So, toward the goal of full preparation, I will post links to practice tests online here.

GRE Practice #1
GRE Verbal Tests

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

PS2 Games for Young Children

I'm looking for PS2 games that will be suitable for my 3 year old son to play. His sister is soooo into the PS2 but he gets frustrated because most of the games are too advanced for him at this stage.

This article suggests a few

Another here

I just found out that Lego Batman is due out in September. That will be a must have for my son! Definitely!

Grad School?

Well, I think I'm going to try going back to school to get my masters. I'm going to pursue a master's degree in Software Engineering at ECU. In pursuit of this I have to take the GRE.

Here is a link to the GRE site. Have to figure out what the dates are.

This is the address for ETS here in Greenville, NC
Greenville - 1607

Prometric Testing Center
1925 A Turnbury Drive
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
United States Of America

Monday, June 2, 2008

Adult A.D.D.

For the past several years, I've come to the conclusion that I am likely to be, and probably always have been, A.D.D. But when I was young (early 70's) the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD wasn't the commonplace thing that it is today.

I've found this blog that discusses Adult ADD.

I've joined this forum:

More later----

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Sixty One

I've recently been turned onto a very cool website.  It is a music/social site called The Sixty One
It works kind of like a game, where the listeners earn points by trying to pick the songs that they think will be popular.  You pick these songs by 'bumping' them.  But the catch is that you have to spend points to bump a song - and the earlier in a song's life cycle the more points it costs to bump, but also the more points you earn should it become a popular song.

The site sports a wide variety and quality of music.  I have heard everything from classical to metal, from ambient to dance.  And you can pick the styles that suit you most, although I like to dabble in a bit of all of it.  So check it out when you get a chance, if you like experiencing new music that is.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've been battling with a bit of depression.  Not sure what is bringing it on.  Maybe partly do to my brother-in-law's untimely death and how that has made me think about my own estranged brother.  Maybe has something to do with my turning 37 and seeing 40 up in the near distance.  Feeling that I'm reaching mid-life and that I haven't done very much with my life.  Sometimes it seems that life is just speeding on by and everything that I had ever dreamed of doing is past due.

So, I don't know.  I'm feeling so uninspired. 

Maybe it is something else.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Javascript Graphics Library and SSI in IIS

I am working on an idea for a Javascript game and I have found this library for Javascrip that allows you to draw geometric primitives with Javascript:

Also trying to figure out how to get SSI work in IIS, think this might provide a clue.. Haven't tried it yet:

Friday, May 23, 2008

BWI - Blogging While Intoxicated - Drunkeness, the New (Old) Frontier

Hey, I'm getting drunk...

I'm interested on how many people blog while drunk.

RESPOND please!

Do you blog while drunk?

Abolish Marriage Altogether?

In the wake of California Supreme Court's decision to allow gay marriage, I am reminded of a possible solution that has been floated for some time now.  Get rid of all legal marriages by the state.  Make the only state sanctioned arrangement be a domestic partnership, and leave the rite of marriage to religious / spiritual institutions.  Just cut the whole religious aspect out of the state sanctioned item all together. 

Of course, the religious right will balk loudly at this, given their determination to wed the church and the state.  But screw them.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Looking for My First Chainsaw

I think I'm going to get a chainsaw for Father's Day.  So I'm looking a comparisons online.
Here is one:

PHP and JavaScript

I've been looking for information on the best way to marry the PHP language (my web dev language of choice) and JavaScript (the language necessary to make Web2.0 a reality). 

I've just found this site:
and it looks promising as a starting point.

A Toolkit

A list of Toolkits

Going to try this one:

Simplicity PHP


I'm going to look into these and I will get back to you on my thoughts as to which one best suits my needs.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In Court...

Yesterday I spent in court.  The first time that I have ever provided witness in a criminal proceeding.

Some of it was quite interesting while the rest was intolerably boring. 

Lyric of the Day

"I still recall the effort to forget" - Big Wreck 'Between You and I'

Thursday, May 8, 2008


What do I think about programming in general? 

What do I think about music?

Did you know that computers and music are both binary languages?  Very interesting that.  I think there is something very revealing in that fact.  Despite the fact that many people have found my two career paths as oppositional I have always seen them as extremely compatible.

I'm listening to The Eagles "Waiting in the Weeds" from their latest double album effort.  It is a good song.  One of the best on the two disc set.  The set was a little disappointing honestly.

There are many songs that were written by others.  With so much writing talent within the band, I found it surprising that it would be necessary to go outside of the group for material.

"Frail Grasp on the Big Picture" is a great song.  Classic Henley.  Political gold.
"And we pray to our lord, who we know is American"  Great stuff.

I've been getting into a lot of female artists lately.  It started with me going back and picking up Alanis Morrisette's "Under Rug Swept" which I wanted to get when it was released but for some reason I never got around to it.  I loved it so I bought the other stuff that I was missing. 

Still waiting to see what Hillary is going to do.  She will definitely stick around for West Virginia, maybe then she will get the hell out.  We shall see.

Just heard the term "Islamofascist" from Bill O's lips.  God I hate that term.  It is just meaningless to me.  Completely contrived.  Check out the Wikipedia entry for it:

I think you will agree with me on the misuse of the term fascist to describe these radicals.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Seriously! Get Out Hillary!

Last night, when Hillary gave her 'victory' speech, I was wondering what she was going to say.  I mean, even at the time she had won by what could only be described as a narrow margin.  And then as the night wore on, it became clear that she might not win at all.  So now that it is official that she won by a whopping 2% of the Indiana electorate, what does she do now.

Well, near the end her speech last night she seemed to starting the beginning of a way of stepping out.  So we shall see.  She was thanking everyone for their help in the campaign.

Just get out and do us all a huge favor!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Slip

Hey, Nine Inch Nails just released a new album called "The Slip" and it is available completely free of charge from I'm just listening to the first song right now. Check it out! So far it is very cool!

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Dreams

Sometimes the dreams that we have for ourselves don't pan out. When that happens we must learn to revise our dreams, dream new dreams, somehow find new sources of inspiration. This is what will keep us alive and vibrant. This is what will give us a new sense of purpose.

Desire is a prison.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

My Wife's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Honey!

She knows that I love her even though I can be a real big jerk sometimes. I'm a very lucky man indeed.

Friday, February 29, 2008


I've just been turned on to very funny blog. So go have a laugh at someone else's expense.


I guarantee you'll laugh out loud.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mike Doughty's New CD

Entitled "Golden Delicious" Doughty's new offering is filled with the witty, catchy, stick-in-your-ear sort of tunes that he so well known for. Starting with the politically tinged "Fort Hood" he sets off to rage against the idiocy that is the Iraq War and war in general.