Monday, September 17, 2007

One more step towards Big Brother...

This article speaks about many new develops that are bringing us ever
more closer to realizing Orwell's dark vision:

Friday, September 14, 2007

John Edwards Puts W. In His Place

John Edwards bought time last night on MSNBC, after the president spoke,
to rebut the points that W. was trying so feebly to make. I think John
did a great job. Check it out.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Guiliani Slapdown!

Regarding capital gains!

This is a good rejoinder for the whole 'focus on the haircut thing'!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We're not safer now???

The national intelligence estimate is in, and the report is not good. Apparently, Al Qaeda has restrengthened and is as strong, if not stronger than they were before 9/11. How can that be? Was it not the strategy to fight them over there so that we did not have to fight them over here? Have we lost 3000 citizens and around 3000 soldiers just so that Al Qaeda could reform and come back at us again? What the HELL is going on here?

How can the administration say that it has made us safe on the one hand and then play the fear card on the other, by saying the Al Qaeda is stronger now? Either we are safer or we are not. I am so tired of these fear mongering bastards that want us to give up all of our liberties for what they call safety. Their ineptness at all things has become evident over the past six years and I can't wait to vote these sacks of excrement from office.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day

"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
Edgar Allan Poe

Being a fan of self-deprecating humor myself, I hold this quote in very high regard! I couldn't have said it better myself Edgar!

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Debate that Wasn't

Unbelievable! The NAACP held a debate for the GOP and only one of the nine candidates even bothered to show up, Tom Tancredo. I did not hear anything about his on the news. Why not? I would think that the entire field of Republican candidates dissing the NAACP would rise to the level of news, but I'm just a lowly citizen. What do I know?

This needs to be made known to the populace at large.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day

"It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we
shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

Monday, July 9, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day, Monday, 9 July 2007

"I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

This is a rather bleak assessment of the human condition, but it is
quite hard to argue with. Mankind seems to be dead set on destroying
itself. At each point in history when we have a chance to step away
from the brink, it seems we just edge even closer to it. I hope that
Poe and I are wrong. But I fear that we are not.

Strangely enough, after posting the above quote, sent me an e-mail about this story in the NY Times. I think you will notice the synchronistic nature of this.
NY Times on The Case Against Perfection

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Benefits of Big Brother. Seriously!?

I can't believe what I just saw. On an ad for Anderson Cooper 360. Tomorrow night he will air his show with the theme, "Eye in the Sky: Why Don't We Have More?". The ad starts with a bit about how the British cameras have stopped so much crime, and has a stripe title at the bottom that reads "THE BENEFITS OF BIG BROTHER". I can not friggin' believe it! They just come right out and say it! It seems that they've already won if they can announce it to very little fanfare!


Friday, July 6, 2007

Poe Quote of the Day

"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be
quietly led."
-- Edgar Allan Poe

For those unfamiliar with Poe, he was politically aligned with Socrates in that he was not a big fan of democracy. He, like Socrates before
him, thought that democracy was akin to mob rule. While I in general
share this belief, I also realize that democracy IS the best form of
government yet to be devised. However, I think it is time for a major revision for, as most know, we don't live in a democracy, but a republic. A
republic in which the representatives are from the financial elite and
no one from outside the financial elite can gain access. This is
morally unjustifiable and I think it is crying out for a change.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Free Energy Machine?

I know, we've heard it before. But what if? The Steorn Company claims to have created a device that creates more energy than it uses, thereby creating 'free energy'. If this turns out to be true it would obviously be one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind.

We will wait and see.
Steorn Company
Here is a skeptical viewpoint:

"I didn't vote for him, but he is my president, and I hope he does a good job"

Keith Olbermann's special comment tonight was incredible. He began with the aforementioned quote from none other than John Wayne.

Clip Here

This is the way that I grew up thinking of the presidency. It was how my father taught me to view the president and how he viewed him. But W has turned that all on its head. He does not listen or respond to the will of the people whom he is supposed to be serving. He is an island unto himself and he cares not what the people who elected him think of what he does. At this point it has become clear that he will do what he wants and there is none to stop him. We have merely to wait until he leaves office. What a long wait that will be!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why I support John Edwards...

Ok, I know many people have a problem with this candidate, but I really don't understand their viewpoints. Yes, of course he could be as much of a scheister as the rest of the field, but I just get the feeling that he is actually the most competent one for the job. Here's why:

1) He comes from humble beginnings. Yes, he is rich now, but he did not start out that way. When he talks of poverty, he has personal experience to back up the talk.

2) He is rich. Some Repubs really like to play this up as a negative, but they never bring this up if it can be applied to one of their own, which it almost invariably can. In fact, name me one politician who hasn't made a fortune in one way or another. The fact that he is a trial lawyer doesn't bother me either, and it only bothers Republicans because he is not the RIGHT type of trial lawyer, i.e. he sues the rich bastards instead of representing them. That's not their cup of tea at all.

3) He has actual plans, on paper and online. While a few other candidates have come up with health care plans recently, he was one of the first. Dennis actually had one first, but his will NEVER pass, because it mandates a one payer, government sponsored system. And while John leaves open the possibility for this in the future, his plan doesn't grasp at it in the immediate term, because he knows that he won't be able to get it passed! Grand rhetoric is one thing, ideas that can make it through both houses of congress are quite another.

4) The media, and big business HATE him. This alone has to make you wonder why they so vilify him. Could they believe him to be the most electable of the current Dem candidates? I believe this to be the case, and that is why they have released the hell-hound known as Coulter on him.

5) His wife is intelligent, charming, and personable, and not backed by Rupert Murdoch.

These are my reasons that I hope John Edwards wins the Democratic nomination. While I know I may be being played, I still think he is the most competent candidate in the field.

Marion Barry ... revisited...

Remember Marion Barry? The crack smoking mayor of D.C? Well, I've just stumbled across some great quotes from this great beacon of American virtue. Check them out for a great laugh!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Aspartame.... Deadly!

I was watching Free Speech TV last night and saw a special entitled "Sweet Poison" about the artificial sweetener aspartame. They claimed that this sweetener had caused all sorts of maladies in humans who had ingested it in great quantities.

My First Blog

Hello, Blogworld! I've named my blog, Mind of Poe because I am a huge Edgar Allan Poe fan. Not just of his fiction and poetry, but of his critical philosophical works as well. Here I will discuss my views on anything that comes to mind. Politics, philosophy, religion, current events. You name it.